
You will work closely with students trained specifically in our studio to attain fast, high-quality audio recording. We use state-of-the-art microphones and audio signal processing units, coupled with digital capture at 48kHz sampling rate to make sure we don’t lose any of your sound to analog defects or limitations. All of this comes at an astounding rate, absolutely unmatched by other studios. Members of WTSC will serve as the engineers and producers to help you achieve your vision in an ever-growing, high-quality digital world where quick and timely results are absolutely necessary.

We have experience in the past with acoustic performance, dialogue and sound effects for an animated video project, and full band production.

Do you have a show in the area or just want to perform live over our airwaves? Stop by our studio and transmit your music and do an interview LIVE on 91.1FM. You will be sure to garner fans, especially with 4 universities in our broadcast area!

Clarkson University’s premier audio production studio is located in the basement of the Student Center. The Studio moved from the Hamlin Powers Basement in 2021. Hand-wired and run by our students, you will “hear” the love in your recordings.